Do you feel stuck in a rut? Did you get that job you always dreamed about and you’re wondering: is this it? Are the goals that you set for yourself years ago not that relevant to you anymore? If your answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions it might be time to get involved with a career coach.

1. Get to know yourself

​One of the key elements of finding more fulfillment in your life is knowing who you really are. What do you really want? What is important to you in your life, in the grand scheme of things? Because thinking about these things can be hard and sometimes even painful, it’s not easy to do by yourself and you might be tempted to stop thinking about it altogether. A coach is there for you to keep you accountable and make sure you keep going until you get to the good stuff.

2. Gain clarity

When you have to make a decision about your life or career, it makes sense to ask your loved ones for advice. And although the people around you love you and want the best for you, their advice is not always the best as they are simply too involved and it might just not be what you want. Think about it. Your parents might push you to go for that prestigious job, while your partner might tell you not to take any financial risks. A career coach is completely unbiased and can objectively look at your life and your career and focus on you, your dreams and goals alone.

3. Take actionable steps

When working with a coach, you will be able to do a lot of exercises and learn new ways of working that will get you going, reflecting, talking and getting out of your comfort zone. A career coach facilitates the process for you to find your own unique journey through this world. Between coaching sessions you will discover more, do exercises to learn more and experiment with ideas on a small or large scale.

4. Narrow your focus

A career coach can support you in thinking about the big stuff: What impact do I want to have in this world? What is my life’s mission? What is my purpose? These questions are essential to finding out what makes you happy and what you want to do in your life. And it doesn’t stop there. A coach is there to support you in translating the answers to these questions into actionable steps. With a coach you narrow the big stuff down to very concrete steps to get going towards what you really want. One step at a time.

Miguel Baumann coaching blog
Hi, I am Miguel

I support leaders in tech to shine with confidence and take charge of their careers.

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