• Your personal Personal Leadership Journey in Startups: Best practices for Personal development
    Published On: 20 June 2024By

    How to develop your personal leadership style when scaling Self-doubt is always creeping at some point. Are we good enough? Am I doing the right thing? Are we on the right track? This comes quite naturally with the constant pressure and the overload of information and opinions available.Ā  Know, that ā€¦

  • Navigating the Scaling Process in your Startup
    Published On: 2 June 2024By

    Strategies to Scale Your Team Often, Founders scale their teams for the first time. They hear of fantastic growth rates, and have VC pushing for hockey-stick metrics and headcount as measures for growth. The main task for entrepreneurs in the scaling phase is to continuously align with everyone. Change brings ā€¦

  • Leadership skills fro Founders: How to let people go the best way possible
    Published On: 17 May 2024By

    Letting people go Letting go of people is usually the hardest part for any leader. Sometimes you hire people and you realize they are not a fit. Sometimes your growth stops or funding comes in later than anticipated - and you have to let people go. Whatever the reasons, it's ā€¦

  • How to Adapt to Different Phases of Growth in your startup
    Published On: 2 May 2024By

    Building and guarding a strong company culture Everything you do is reinforcing or destroying your company's culture. Even if you did not set one intentionally, it is created implicitly and it is strong and sticky to change it later on.Ā  One example of company values of ā€œThe Data Storyā€ from ā€¦

  • Leadership Skills for Startup Founders: Effective Delegate to create Ownership in your tea
    Published On: 15 April 2024By

    Leadership in Action: Responsibility, Empowerment, and Delegation Letting go of what you built and put every ounce of energy you had into is hard. It's beyond hard. And yet, if you want to succeed, you need to start delegating decisions, ownership and even the things you know best. Otherwise, you ā€¦

  • Founders top 5 tips: Hiring done right for your Startup (and build a strong company culture)
    Published On: 18 March 2024By

    Hiring for Cultural Fit This is the one thing that every Founder I talked to stressed the most: Getting the right talent in. Being critical at the front door. Only hiring A-players. Focus on ease and personal curiosity to find the right people - your gut knows who is right. ā€¦

  • Leadership for your Startup: How to set clear Focus and powerful Goals
    Published On: 7 March 2024By

    Leading your startup works just fine, right? But does it feel improvised sometimes? Are you making it up as you go? Too much firefighting and time spent on random tasks and meetings? Ā  It does not have to be this way! To find what the biggest challenges are when leading ā€¦

  • How Leaders in Amsterdam Master the Art of Difficult Departures (Without the Drama!)
    Published On: 23 September 2023By

    One thing leaders rarely talk about is letting people go because they feel uncomfortable doing it. And talking about it might even be harder as there is a lot of shame involved. We want to appear as a great leader and that is not associated with having to let people ā€¦

  • Leadership Lessons from Barbie
    Published On: 23 August 2023By

    šŸ’…šŸ» šŸŽ€ šŸ›¼ I never thought I would write this, but here are 4 Leadership lessons from Barbie (+1 about being ā€œKenoughā€). Leadership lessons are everywhere and I just loved the iconic Barbie movie. The depth of the plot and conversations (and the outfits of course) struck me. I never ā€¦

  • From Tulips to Teams: Bloom as a Leader in Amsterdam with Coaching
    Published On: 4 July 2023By

    Many see Leading teams as the holy grail of work. But in the end, it comes down to a few simple basic steps mixed with a big dose of authenticity. When I think back about my first leadership role at one of my startups (I thought it meant recruiting a ā€¦