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Career Coach

Take charge of your career

Skyrocket your career by knowing exactly what you want. It’s not easy to create that dream career, but there are clear steps that you can take no matter what. I am here to support, challenge and get you going on this exciting journey.

Career Coach2024-05-23T10:23:01+02:00

Get that promotion AND be recognized as the total badass you are

You may not know what’s your next career step, or how to get there. Or you’re simply shit-scared to make the leap. But one thing you DO know is that you won’t settle for anything less than what you deeply want.

  • You are a high-achiever held back by constant self-doubt

  • You feel stuck in your career

  • You lack the clarity of what you really want

  • You feel you are not doing what you are supposed to do

  • You feel like others do not see your potential or contributions

group working together
miguel baumann

See, I was in your shoes

I struggled a lot throughout my career. Settling in yet another city like Amsterdam, learning a new language, and making new friends. At the same time trying to figure out how I am supposed to create a career and life that are fulfilling, purposeful, and financially rewarding.

And today I am living this life in Amsterdam that is fully aligned with who I am! And I want the same for you – check here if this program is something for you:

  • Know what you want and how to get ahead in your career

  • Others will take you more seriously and you will have more impact

  • Have a clear career roadmap and goal to work towards (and already taken major steps)

  • Have the confidence to take bold steps towards your dreams
  • Feel comfortable to be yourself in every situation

  • Have visibility at work by speaking up in meetings, having greater impact and performance

Build your career in 3 steps, in Amsterdam or online:

My 'Signature Career & Confidence' programme includes

  • 1h free career strategy call

  • Career Assessment questionnaire

  • 9 Coaching sessions (60 min), live in Amsterdam or via Zoom

  • Exercises, tools and homework after every coaching session to deepen the learning through experience and change
  • Unlimited check-ins throughout the program

Career coaching FAQ's

Find what you really want in your career: How to use Ikigai2023-08-25T12:13:19+02:00

This is a simple yet powerful tool to check if you are on track with your career. Here is the full exercise and tool description – and here is a quick summary. It focuses on what you are

  • Good at
  • Can be paid for
  • What the world needs
  • And what you love
  • At the intersection are your calling and the path in your career. A simple yet powerful tool to check if you are on track.
How to improve your CV: My top 6 tips2023-08-25T12:14:51+02:00

Here are additional ideas to improve your CV with proven tactics

  • Talk about your achievements, not your tasks to make sure hiring managers know what you are capable of.
  • Use numbers throughout your CV wherever you can. It provides more proof of what you did in your various roles.
  • Show personality throughout your CV. They want to hire a person, not a robot (otherwise they would just use ChatGPT)
How to land a job? my top 4 tips2023-08-25T12:18:02+02:00

I know how hard it can be to find an exciting job. Here are a few tips (and here you can get the full list):

  • Networking is rather simple: Start with the people you know. Reach out and tell them what you need and with whom you would like to talk.
  • Focus on what the employer, recruiter, or your future manager are looking for. After some hard work, you will have clarity about this. And then you can tweak your stories and experiences on your CV in that direction.
  • It’s a numbers game: The more connections, the more opportunities. Be smart about it and don’t just copy/paste your questions. Add a personal touch and be authentic.
How can I beat procrastination?2023-08-25T12:19:15+02:00
  • Research shows you are not avoiding work but feelings. Usually, a master procrastinator’s house is spotless and all clothes are perfectly ironed. They are not avoiding work but an emotion that is connected to that specific task.
  • Procrastination might be holding you back from getting into action or even working through this book. A study from Amsterdam found that this is normal behavior for about 95% of people. So almost everybody is affected and is putting things off at some point or another.
  • Find out more tips and specific steps in this pdf here
miguel baumann

Want to stand out in a stack of CVs?

Deep down, I know you want to take charge of your career and life. Turn your dreams into reality and actually do what it takes to live a life worth living! And sometimes, it can be tough to just do that, life gets in the way and we get distracted.

Do you feel like:

- I need to adapt to a new country, organization or role)
- It's time for a change in career, but not sure what or how
- I want a promotion or new role but not making any real progress
- I had a better balance in life (family, work, social, yourself)
- I experienced a professional setback … how do I bounce back?


I am here to support you on this journey. And the only step it takes is to reach out and see how it is to work with a coach that has been doing this for more than 8 years.


see what other leaders are saying about my work:

“I started working with Miguel in a critical moment of my life and career where I felt lost and stuck in what I was doing. Miguel helped me discover my values and gain the confidence to make a number of changes in my life – setting up my own business successfully. Through the sessions I got to know myself better, and learned how to manage and leverage both my strengths and weaknesses. He challenged me and coached me every step of the way, creating an open and honest environment to work in. I could not have done it without him.”

career coaching amsterdam
Claudia van den Berg
Startup Consultant & Entrepreneur

Eye opening for my career! Things I learned are: how to unravel the knots, feel confident and strong, go back to my basic values and learn tools how to fix things myself. I worked with Miguel with visual solutions and felt relieved as well as eye opening going through the coaching with him.

Jana Slechtova
Jana Slechtova
Co-Founder & Scrum Master

“I worked with Miguel during challenging transition periods in my career. He helped me with my uncertainty and self-doubt leading a team of veterinarians in a startup, enabling me to use my core values to visualize feasible career paths that are in alignment with them. I wholeheartedly recommend Miguel to anyone seeking clarity and direction in their professional journey!”

Leadership coaching amsterdam
Patrik Holmboe
Team manager & Head veterinarian

Free book on career development

Reboot your career

cover of the book on career development
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