💅🏻 🎀 🛼 I never thought I would write this, but here are 4 Leadership lessons from Barbie (+1 about being “Kenough”).

Leadership lessons are everywhere and I just loved the iconic Barbie movie. The depth of the plot and conversations (and the outfits of course) struck me. I never had the creativity to imagine that Barbie could be an inspiration for leadership lessons (and equality for that matter). But here they are: 5 universal Leadership lessons from Barbie:

👠 Always be your fabulous self.

In the movie, it’s clear that “Weird” Barbie owns her way of being and is the last refuge for all issues. Authentic leadership shines when you embrace your quirks. It’s not just about being different for the sake of it, but about contributing your true self to make the world a better place. It’s more fun, and people will be more motivated, creative, and collaborative.

👠 Trust Your Instincts

Use intuition and emotions as early signals. Speak up and act quickly when something’s different. Barbie’s journey reminds us to use our inner compass for swift decision-making. Our is a survival instinct and therefore reacts very quickly and is able to compute large amounts of data. Therefore it is often faster than rational thinking and deliberating. Use these instincts as starting point for change, not as a final answer.

👠 Look for diverse help when stuck in weird places

Barbie acted quickly once she realized something was off. She found strong guidance in “Weird” Barbie – a powerful example of tapping into unique talents within your team. Expose yourself to different environments to learn from others.

The mentorship dynamic between Barbie and “Weird” Barbie offers a fun view of seeking diverse perspectives within our teams. Just as Barbie found guidance from an unexpected source, leaders should build a culture where diverse voices are valued.

👠 Clarity in words and actions.

Barbie teaches us that asserting one’s own boundaries with kindness will lead others to step up with confidence. You see that in Ken being “Kenough”. As a leader, you need to communicate repeatedly what you stand for and what the goals are. I often go through this with my executive clients in my leadership coaching projects: Having a clear message and repeat it until everyone knows it by hard. This is the only way to make real change happen.

👠 Courage in Discomfort

Barbie’s fearless leap beyond her comfort zone teaches us growth emerges from discomfort. Barbie’s initial reluctance to change is normal and often seen in team transformation. You can embrace discomfort and shifting boundaries when you approach your team with compassion and clarity. Barbie’s journey beyond her comfort zone resonates deeply with leaders navigating transformation.

In essence, the lessons Barbie goes through are beyond mere play; they embody universal truths about leadership. So, whether you’re wearing a tiara or a tie, leadership is about embracing your true self, fostering diversity, and communicating clearly. The Barbie movie might be a reminder that leadership, in all its shades, can truly make the world a better place.

Here are some additonal FAQs I often get from clients:

Q: What leadership strategies and insights can tech leaders glean from the Barbie movie?

Tech leaders can extract valuable leadership strategies from the Barbie movie, such as the importance of self-awareness, effective communication, teamwork, resilience, and inclusivity. By observing Barbie’s transformation from a conventional doll to a remarkable leader, tech leaders can learn to embrace authenticity, promote diversity, and communicate clearly to drive positive change within their teams and organizations.

Q: How does the Barbie movie address the emotional intelligence required in tech leadership and decision-making processes?

The Barbie movie explores emotional intelligence as a critical component of leadership, emphasizing the need to navigate diverse emotions, cultivate resilience in challenging situations, and blend rationality with empathy in decision-making. By showcasing Barbie’s emotional acumen and ability to connect with others through empathy and active listening, tech leaders can enhance their emotional intelligence skills to lead more effectively in the fast-paced and dynamic tech industry.

Q: What impact does representation have on leadership narratives in the tech sector as depicted in the Barbie movie?

Representation plays a pivotal role in the leadership narrative of the Barbie movie, underscoring the significance of diversity, inclusivity, and breaking societal stereotypes. The film illustrates how embracing varied perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences fosters innovation, enhances collaboration, and creates a more inclusive tech environment. Through characters like Gloria and Ruth Handler, tech leaders can recognize the power of representation in cultivating a diverse and equitable leadership culture within the tech industry.

Remember, leadership isn’t just about being a ‘Barbie’ or imitating others. It’s about embracing your unique ‘Kenough’ and empowering others to shine too. Be fabulous and authentic! 🚀👑

Miguel Baumann coaching blog
Hi, I am Miguel

I support leaders in tech to shine with confidence and take charge of their careers.

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