Management books can be a useful resource for leaders looking to improve their game, but when it comes down the really step up there’s no better place than these six areas: productivity improvements; increasing employee engagement levels within your company or work culture as whole ( meanings different things depending on context); boosting morale through celebrates successes not just wins.

The following 6 focus areas are what really change the game for leaders, founders and managers (source: High performing habits by Brendon Burchard). I have seen this in my clients, colleagues and myself:

Internal Focus for high performance:

  1. Get Next level clarity
  2. Build energy to go
  3. Raise urgency (your Why)

External Focus for high performance:

  1. Increasing productivity
  2. Build influence
  3. Courageous decisions

We start today with the areas from within, that you can create. They will also be the starting point for the external focus areas of productivity, influence, and courageous decisions.

1. Get Next level clarity

The clarity I’ve found is around who you are, what it means to be a man/woman in today’s society. How we were raised and educated has a lot of influence over our personal identity which can lead some people down paths that they don’t want or like but still feel driven by due lack of understanding about themselves outside these patterns – until now! The next step after realizing this problem area (or opportunity) was taking action towards becoming more confident with myself bringing out the best version within us all while creating space away from negative influences holding onto old habits & routines just because “that” worked before.

In clear words: get a plan for yourself and what you want to achieve. Making a meaningful plan is not easy but it will pay off in the future as you can clearly make decisions based on these goals.

We all have days when nothing goes right. It’s frustrating, exhausting, and can make you feel like giving up on yourself or others – but that doesn’t need to happen! You may not be aware of the intentions working behind the scenes as your day unfolds; however, if we take some time each night before bed (or during any break) then these thoughts will naturally surface themselves throughout our unconscious mind without effort from us at all because they are already waiting there patiently just beneath the surface level conscious awareness
And the same way your goals and plans will keep working.

2. Build energy to go

Many people I work with tell me that they are tired. They say it’s not just the hours at their jobs, but rather a general weariness and energy drain from everyday life as well.
I’ve found there to be many contributing factors behind this trend: dieting mistakes; too much stress due both personal or professional issues; insufficient sleep each night because we’re constantly being pulled multitasking through our days by technology leading us into heavier than necessary schedules.

The issue is that our brains stop making new neuron connections when we are stressed. So we are less creative, it’s harder to learn new things and even connecting with loved ones or colleagues are held back.

In order to get our brain to peak capacity, give it what it needs in the forms of rest, sleep, creative outlets and balanced nutrition.

3. Raise urgency (your Why)

The one thing that will hold you back more than anything else is a lack of alignment with who and what we really want. Now is the moment where each individual must take responsibility for their own life. Take charge or your own life or be steered by someone else’s goals and plans.

Leaders who are successful understand their internal drive and positive obsessions. They also include external urgencies like a duty to something bigger in the mix, so they can charge forward with a purposeful mindset despite any fears or doubts that may come up along the way.

No matter what it is, take time to reflect what it is you truly want to achieve or shift in this world. And even if it’s just related to making life better for one single person!

And then go do it!

Here are some additional FAQs that came up a lot in coaching sessions:

Q: What specific actions could a newly appointed leader take to foster future leaders within their organization?

A leader may consider implementing regular coaching sessions with high-potential employees, providing opportunities for cross-functional collaboration, offering mentorship programs, and creating clear career paths with defined goals and milestones. By doing so, they can develop a strong pipeline of emerging talent and cultivate leadership skills among team members.

Q: How do leaders balance the need to delegate effectively while still maintaining oversight and ensuring quality outcomes?

Leaders must establish trust in their teams by setting clear expectations, communicating regularly, and providing ongoing feedback. They can also implement performance metrics and key result areas (KRAs), allowing them to monitor progress without micromanaging day-to-day tasks. Additionally, delegating authority alongside responsibility empowers team members to make decisions independently, fostering accountability and ownership over project deliverables.

Q: What techniques can help leaders navigate complex organizational changes and remain agile when facing uncertain circumstances?

Adopting a growth mindset, embracing continuous learning, and encouraging open communication throughout the organization are essential strategies for navigating uncertainty. Leaders can also leverage data analytics to inform decision-making processes, create contingency plans based on various scenarios, and prioritize flexibility and adaptability in their approach. Furthermore, engaging stakeholders early in the process, soliciting input, and building consensus around proposed changes can increase buy-in and support during times of transition.

Miguel Baumann coaching blog
Hi, I am Miguel

I support leaders in tech to shine with confidence and take charge of their careers.

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