by Cheryl Conklin*

Sleep and mental health are inherently linked and both are foundational to your ability to perform in your career, be authentic and connect deeply with your colleagues. Deep, restorative sleep is essential for healing
and growth throughout the body, enabling our brains to undergo physical and emotional
restoration at the end of every day. As a result, chronic sleep problems can have some very
significant long-term effects on our mental well-being and career. Research shows that sleep problems can
play a role in mental conditions such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, and bipolar disorder.
Whether you’re currently dealing with a mental concern or you want to take proactive steps to
keep your brain healthy, sleep should be your top priority! Check out these resources for help
boosting your sleep quality.

Maximize Comfort in Your Sleep Environment
Your bedroom should feel like an oasis of comfort and calm. Consider investing in a few
upgrades that will help you relax more easily.

  • Invest in a high-quality mattress that properly cushions and supports your body.
  • Look for breathable bedding to help your body maintain a comfortable temperature
    throughout the night.
  • Pregnant or nursing? Treat yourself to a soft nightgown that fits and makes you feel great.
  • Keep your bedroom as dark as possible by hanging blackout curtains and removing
  • Make sure your room is cool as the temperature can help regulate your sleep cycle.

Develop a Bedtime Routine
If you have trouble falling asleep at night, sticking to a regular sleep schedule and winding down
with a consistent bedtime routine can help.

  • Going to bed at the same time every night will help you sync your sleep schedule with
    your body’s internal clock.
  • Keep electronics out of your bedtime routine. Read a book or listen to relaxing music
  • Bedtime rituals also work great for young kids who are having trouble sleeping.

Practice Healthy Behaviors During the Day
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to improve your sleep and boost your
mental health at the same time

  • Eat clean, whole foods that are rich in nutrients and free from added sugars.
  • Fit in time for movement every day. Even 10 minutes of exercise can improve your sleep!
  • Avoid late-night snacking, smoking, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime.

While many people think that sleep is something you can neglect when life gets hectic, it’s an incredibly restorative
process that keeps our brains working optimally. If your sleep quality is lacking, it’s time to do
something about it and give your career the extra boost it deserves!

Cheryl Conklin created Wellness Central from her desire to share various resources and her thoughts on wellness. Apart from blogging, she enjoys traveling and going on endless adventures, and writing about her experiences at the end of the day.

Miguel Baumann coaching blog
Hi, I am Miguel

I support leaders in tech to shine with confidence and take charge of their careers.

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