Many see Leading teams as the holy grail of work. But in the end, it comes down to a few simple basic steps mixed with a big dose of authenticity.

When I think back about my first leadership role at one of my startups (I thought it meant recruiting a bunch of people), I wish I had a little guidance to make sure things don’t blow up in my face down the road (as they obviously did…)

Here are a few of the essentials to make sure you are ready to get into or thrive in your leadership roles:


1. Reflect on general trust, confidence, and connection with the people around which you feel less inclined to speak up
2. Check in where you do feel comfortable enough to speak your mind?
3. There are general confidence-building exercises that I enjoy a lot, one is a format from Google called “I am remarkable”. Reach out if you would like to know more!
4. Practice – against all odds – to speak up. Like every other skill, confidence or speaking up in meetings/groups is a skill that can be learned through practicing it. This can feel hard, but after a while (with some support and background work) this will become much easier.


It’s always great to mingle with your peers, it might even feel comfortable. In order to be considered as the natural candidate for a new leadership opening – mingle with the decision-makers. Make sure they know your name and what you stand for.


1. Reflect on yourself and check how trust in your team is? Maybe it’s different with different people and different levels of?
2. Check in with yourself about what you really need to know in order to work well and inform your own stakeholders well? Sometimes we think we need to know more but actually comes from a sense of insecurity rather than a real need to know
3. Check in with your team about how they would like to update and communicate with you
4. Then have a conversation with them about how you would like to have regular updates and why you need what. When they understand your need for information, they will be much more open and understanding to give you details.


If things go sideways then own your part in it. Do not blame others or circumstances. Take the hit and make sure you learn from it and share the learnings with your stakeholders so they see you take things seriously.

Want to apply this yourself but not sure about how? Or am I missing some essential skills for leaders in Tech? Then reach out to me:

Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about my journey or want to know more about how we can get the same results for yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions for Tech Leaders and Startup Founders Regarding Leadership Challenges

Q: What specific challenges do tech leaders typically face in their first leadership role at a startup?

Common difficulties include managing diverse teams, striking a balance between technical expertise and business acumen, and handling rapid growth while ensuring quality standards remain high. Gain insight from experienced tech leaders who have overcome similar challenges in their early days of leading a team within a fast-paced startup environment.

Q: How can networking upwards benefit tech leaders seeking leadership positions or advancing in their careers?

Networking upwards involves engaging with mentors and senior professionals in your industry through various means, including online platforms, events, and workshops. This strategy helps you gain insights into potential job opportunities, learn about company cultures, and connect with decision-makers. Utilize professional networks to expand your knowledge base and increase visibility within your industry, ultimately positioning yourself for future leadership roles.

Q: How can tech leaders avoid micromanagement while still remaining informed about their team’s progress?

Balancing staying informed without micromanaging requires implementing regular check-ins and open communication channels between you and your team members. Additionally, encouraging autonomy among team members by providing them with the necessary resources, tools, and support needed to make decisions independently is crucial. Establish clear guidelines and boundaries regarding what information should be shared with whom, when, and why, preventing unnecessary distractions and maintaining focus.

Miguel Baumann coaching blog
Hi, I am Miguel

I support leaders in tech to shine with confidence and take charge of their careers.

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