Have you ever had to make a decision where you got stuck in an endless circle of weighing your options, overthinking the decision and eventually not doing anything at all? You’re not alone. This frustrating – but common – phenomenon is called analysis paralysis. You just can’t seem to make a decision because you’re too scared that you’ll end up making the wrong decision.

But making a ‘wrong’ decision really isn’t as bad as you might think and can actually be a good thing. The thought of making a bad decision might feel daunting, but it really doesn’t have to be. While it probably won’t feel good initially, eventually you will find your way again. And with that, you’ll notice you’re much more resilient than you probably thought.

One of the great things about making a bad decision is that when you make a choice, you will quickly experience whether it feels good or not. This feeling of relief, happiness or fear might be an interesting pointer towards making another, better decision. Try breaking down a big decision into smaller pieces. What is the first thing that you would need to know or do? Make a decision on that, and see what happens when you act on it. You can only move forward by actually making a decision and starting to act towards whatever you have chosen instead of endlessly weighing your options.

They say the most successful people in the world are also the people who have failed most often. When you have made a bad decision it enables you to take action, to learn and to improve. Making any decision – good or bad – will give you new information and insights by actually experimenting and doing. If you’re ready to experiment or if you’re struggling with a big decision, reach out to me so I can support you in structuring your thoughts and fighting your fears!

Miguel Baumann coaching blog
Hi, I am Miguel

I support leaders in tech to shine with confidence and take charge of their careers.

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