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Startup coach

Confidently lead your startup team

As Founders, we have a never ending to do list and managing our team can get lost. By working with me, you will grow personally and learn exactly what you need to lead your team to success.

Startup Coaching Services in Amsterdam or Online

Deep down, you know that you’re destined for more.

Leadership coaching

Lead teams with ease and be seen as an authority in any meeting

Career coaching

Know what you really want and create a clear path forward

Confidence coaching

No more hiding – show the world who you really are

Brands I’ve been working with my startup coach programs
leadership coach
Lead your startup with ease and have enough time to work on tomorrow

You juggle client meetings, stakeholders and investors all day while making sure that your team is happy. You even fit in some yoga or a visit to the gym into your busy days. Everybody applauds you as it all seems fine on the outside. And that’s exactly it, it only seems fine.

  • This “managing startup-teams thing” feels improvised and you are stretched really thin

  • You are not sure how to balance this rapid growth and your personal balance is off

  • You know you need to work on this team culture but don’t have the focus & time to do so

  • You are stressed and you realize you are not performing at your best, maybe even people-pleasing or lashing out at loved ones.

By working with me, you will get clarity and the tools how to lead teams successfully. Let me show you how:

Results that my clients achieve

Let your executive coach help you become an authority others listen to. Rebuild your confidence and use your voice to be seen and heard – and get promoted. Feel proud of yourself and comfortable speaking your truth in any situation.

Improve the right relationships for success and build a superstar team. Become an effective leader by successfully delegating & setting boundaries, be that in Amsterdam, Rotterdam or online.

Conquer any challenge in your team by working through your limiting beliefs and traumas. Through building awareness we can focus on what really is holding you back!

As Startup Coach, I know how busy it can be. Leading your team is just another thing on your todo list. Let’s make sure you have all the tools you need to master this part of your role.

Bring others along to implement your strategies and ideas. Learn clear stakeholder communication and how to provide feedback for growth.

Stop running from meeting to meeting and move from Doer to Enabler. Often Executives and Entrepreneurs lose freedom when their company grows. My executive coaching clients regain their freedom and take back charge of their time.

See what other founders are saying about my Startup Coaching Services:

“Miguel has helped me to find the confidence, the right tools and the courage to improve in my managerial position in my startup. With his friendly, challenging and insightful coaching sessions, he helped me to navigate through hard moments in my life and my career, and to handle anxiety and stress related to my job. I would warmly recommend Miguel!”

Nikolas Gaio, PhD
CTO and Founder at BI/OND

Eye opening! Things I learned are: how to unravel the knots, feel confident and strong, go back to my basic values and learn tools how to fix things myself. I worked with Miguel with visual solutions and felt relieved as well as eye opening going through the coaching with him.

Jana Slechtova
Jana Slechtova
Co-Founder & Scrum Master

“Through the coaching with Miguel I got to know myself better and find simple ways to move out of my comfort zone. It enabled me to show up more with my team and stakeholders and to work on my personal and professional development. I feel ready and confident to go out in the world and achieve much more. Working with Miguel was enormous fun and I can recommend him 100% as coach.”

Ivo Hristov
Ivo Hristov
Team manager at Gucci
miguel baumann leadership coach
Get to your next level through my own startup experience

Take advantage of the process that I used to create startups (some sold successfully) and lead teams at corporates. Together with my extensive training as a certified coach this will massively accelerate your transformation. I base my inclusive coaching on co-active coaching, somatic trauma healing, neuroscience, and over 10 years of team building and leadership experience. I work in Amsterdam and in the rest of the world via Zoom.

I’m a certified executive coach (PCC, CPCC) with seven years experience working with over 200 clients and companies in Amsterdam and beyond. My focus has been on fostering confidence, developing high-performing leaders, and advancing meaningful careers.

Startup Coaching FAQ’s

What does an executive coach do?

Executive coaches approach coaching differently by evaluating a client’s capabilities or goals using an assessment.

Additionally, the concept of a Socratic teacher applies often. They engage in inquiries that might span multiple sessions to address and subsequently pave the way to create an actionable and powerful path forward.
What I have seen is a strong desire in my clients to get going and move forward, which is great. But this is also their usual way of approaching their challenges. So I often apply a phase to stop, assess and breathe. And from that space of reflection, we work towards deeper reflection and meaningful insights (before they undoubtedly get back into the action with a stronger sense of direction).

Why should a CEO have an executive coach?

If you are running your own company or leading an organization, you are under a lot of pressure. Quick reaction times and big decisions that impact many people are an essential part of this role.
It’s important to have somebody by your side that is impartial and able to ask the hard questions without being afraid of what the consequences are. This will allow you to stay true to your goals without losing sight of your teams and leaders.

How does executive coaching help executives?

Executives don’t need coaching, they want coaching. Coaching is always something that comes on top of great career skills. Coaching with me allows executives to have tough conversations from a place of compassion instead of confrontation. We will analyze situations from multiple angles and open up possibilities instead of only binary options. These are the things that separate the good from the great.

What makes a great leader and executive that an executive coach can polish?

Modern leaders excel when they embody authenticity in character and communication. They embrace honesty about their own strengths and weaknesses and they don’t try to keep up an illusion of perfection. Instead, these leaders actively listen to feedback and praise the best ideas from others. And the best executives refuse to tolerate egos that hinder progress.

executive coach speaking in front of a group

Startup Coaching Blogs

  • Your personal Personal Leadership Journey in Startups: Best practices for Personal development
    Published On: 20 June 2024By

    How to develop your personal leadership style when scaling Self-doubt is always creeping at some point. Are we good enough? Am I doing the right thing? Are we on the right track? This comes quite naturally with the constant pressure and the overload of information and opinions available.  Know, that …

  • Navigating the Scaling Process in your Startup
    Published On: 2 June 2024By

    Strategies to Scale Your Team Often, Founders scale their teams for the first time. They hear of fantastic growth rates, and have VC pushing for hockey-stick metrics and headcount as measures for growth. The main task for entrepreneurs in the scaling phase is to continuously align with everyone. Change brings …

  • Leadership skills fro Founders: How to let people go the best way possible
    Published On: 17 May 2024By

    Letting people go Letting go of people is usually the hardest part for any leader. Sometimes you hire people and you realize they are not a fit. Sometimes your growth stops or funding comes in later than anticipated - and you have to let people go. Whatever the reasons, it's …

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