• Amsterdam’s Secret: Bad Choices, Great Outcomes
    Published On: 30 March 2020By

    Have you ever had to make a decision where you got stuck in an endless circle of weighing your options, overthinking the decision and eventually not doing anything at all? You’re not alone. This frustrating - but common - phenomenon is called analysis paralysis. You just can’t seem to make …

  • Decision Mastery in Amsterdam: 3 Game-Changing Tips!
    Published On: 30 March 2020By

    ​When we have to make a decision in life - any decision - we tend to approach things in a rational way. What are the options? What are the pros and cons? As I mentioned in a recent blog, this way of handling decision making can work in some occasions, …

  • Your Path to Clarity in Amsterdam: 4 Ways Your Coach Helps!
    Published On: 27 February 2020By

    Do you feel stuck in a rut? Did you get that job you always dreamed about and you’re wondering: is this it? Are the goals that you set for yourself years ago not that relevant to you anymore? If your answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions it might …

  • Amsterdam’s Guide In Finding Deep Meaning in Your Work
    Published On: 27 February 2020By

    Many of us spend a big chunk of our daily lives working. On average, you spend a whopping 90,000 hours of your life at work and how you feel at work greatly impacts your general happiness, fulfillment and sense of purpose.​ In reality, a lot of us are not satisfied …

  • Amsterdam’s Secret to Feeling Valued at Work!
    Published On: 19 February 2020By

    It may seem trivial, but people who feel appreciated at work generally feel more engaged, motivated and energised. Feeling appreciated no matter what situation we’re in is a basic human need: We want to feel like the people around us love, appreciate and care for us. So why would the …

  • Decision Mastery in Amsterdam: Key to Big Choices!
    Published On: 5 February 2020By

    So you’re thinking about making a career change. Or you’re considering moving to another home, another city, or even another country. In your head you’re making pros and cons lists and you’re asking your family and friends for advice. And in the end? You’re more confused than where you …

  • Amsterdam’s Top Career Question: Is It Time for a Change?
    Published On: 23 January 2020By

    ​We all have bad days at work, which can make us question if we are on the right path in our career. But how do you know if you’re just going through a rough patch or if it’s really time to consider a career change? ​1. You don’t feel excited …

  • Stuck in a Corporate Amsterdam Rut? Break Free NOW!
    Published On: 9 January 2020By

    It’s a feeling we have all felt at some point in our career: feeling like you’re stuck in a rut. It’s a pretty ambiguous feeling: you do like your job, but you feel there might be more and you just don’t get that excited about your career anymore. Especially working …