• Amplify Your Career Success: 3 Proven Tips to Skyrocket Confidence Immediately!
    Published On: 24 May 2023By

    We all have moments when we feel like the world is against us. Sometimes, these feelings come on gradually and it takes time for them to sink in; other times they happen suddenly or aggressively - but no matter how you may be feeling at any given moment there's …

  • Gamechangers Unleashed 2: Mastering Influence and Bold Decision-Making
    Published On: 4 May 2022By

    The insights from last week's blog on how to become a game-changer and create strong habits are just 3 of many valuable tips in "High-Performance Habits" by Brendon Burchard. Besides the topics covered then (focus on leaders' internal development), we will focus here on these items that focus more …

  • Gamechangers Unveiled: Mastering the Transition from Manager to Leader
    Published On: 26 April 2022By

    Management books can be a useful resource for leaders looking to improve their game, but when it comes down the really step up there's no better place than these six areas: productivity improvements; increasing employee engagement levels within your company or work culture as whole ( meanings different things …

  • Top Leadership Fails Revealed: Learn from My Mistakes Without Making Them Yourself!
    Published On: 20 April 2022By

    The past few years have been an exhilarating, yet exhausting journey. There is no shortage of learnings I took from my time at Philips and other startups that are now gone or still with me - here are a few very honest reflections on what has worked for me. 1. …

  • Boost Your Career: Master the Art of Building Confidence Like a Pro
    Published On: 30 March 2022By

    A few years ago, I began to learn about confidence and how important it is in every aspect of our lives. I'll be honest, I used to struggle with confidence myself. It was tough for me to feel "good enough" or like I wasn't smart/fast/exciting/whatever enough. I never talked …

  • Skyrocket Your Confidence Instantly: 3 Easy Steps to Transform Your Career!
    Published On: 25 March 2022By

    Self-confidence used to be this funny thing - it comes and goes as fancies dictate. I remember feeling lost in my own skin; there were so many things about myself that simply don't agree with what other people thought or expected from the inside out! My work successes weren’t enough …

  • Restless Kings in Amsterdam? Conquer Burnout, Rise with Rest
    Published On: 16 June 2021By

    by Cheryl Conklin* Sleep and mental health are inherently linked and both are foundational to your ability to perform in your career, be authentic and connect deeply with your colleagues. Deep, restorative sleep is essential for healingand growth throughout the body, enabling our brains to undergo physical and emotionalrestoration …

  • Escape Amsterdam’s Job Rut: Top 3 Warning Signs
    Published On: 8 April 2021By

    by Patricia Thomas*   If you have found yourself stagnant, frustrated, dissatisfied, or outright unhappy with your current job, then you may have found yourself in a dead-end job. Dead-end jobs are normally classified as positions that do not allow the opportunity to progress within the company.     …

  • Little Baby Steps To Thrive Beyond Comfort in Amsterdam!
    Published On: 24 April 2020By

    In my last blog, I wrote about the effects of neuroplasticity and stretching yourself to experience new things. Neuroplasticity means that your brain rewires and you create new neural pathways. Going out of your comfort zone stimulates the creation of new and different neural pathways. In these times, most of …

  • Genius Leap in Amsterdam: Beyond Comfort Zones!
    Published On: 24 April 2020By

    When you think about doing something that is out of your comfort zone, like changing jobs, moving house, or ending a relationship, you probably feel - you guessed it - a little uncomfortable. Even just thinking about leaving your comfort zone can make anyone feel somewhat stressed out. And while …